Welcome to our new forum!

Rules, Plot, & Powers

The Powers
This is where the power of the site will be held, You may use these for your characters applications however, we ask that you reword them and give them limitations. If you see a rare ability you`d like to have on the list please PM a staff member for approval. If you can not find one you`d like you are more than welcome to make your own however it must be staff approved as well.
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Honolulu Avatar
Titans Powers/Abilities
by Honolulu
Feb 16, 2016 12:44:24 GMT -5
The Plots
This is where the Site Plot and sub plots will be held, We ask that you read the site plot over before you join. Sub plots are for the enjoyment of the members of the site so please read and enjoy.
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Honolulu Avatar
by Honolulu
Jul 17, 2015 14:37:34 GMT -5
The Rules
Please read this as your first stop into the site. This will give you our guidelines to the site and our ICC box. If you have any questions feel free to send a PM to the site Staff.
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Honolulu Avatar
by Honolulu
Sept 17, 2016 7:52:37 GMT -5

Information Center

Essential Information
All the guidelines to the site are contained within. This will be where the species guide will be held along with the welcome thread to kind of explain BBR to you.
4 posts 4 threads
Honolulu Avatar
Prior Cohort Lists
by Honolulu
Jul 6, 2016 14:49:25 GMT -5
News & Announcements
Activity checks, announcements, etc are held here.
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Mathias Densen Avatar
by Mathias Densen
Sept 23, 2016 7:02:24 GMT -5
Availabilities & Limitations
Looking for something specific to make a character? Well that will be held here. You can find the legacies availability, the available big three positions, the banned list, and much much more here.
5 posts 4 threads
Honolulu Avatar
Familiars, Monsters, and Creatures
by Honolulu
Sept 3, 2016 19:21:31 GMT -5

Character Corner

All unapproved applications will be placed here, there are three sub boards. Work in Progress where all applications will be placed, just remember to use the labels to mark your app, the on hold board which is basically a place to put characters that are in a banned group or for the simple fact you may have to many already, and finally the denied applications where an app that may have been unfinished in time or simply did not meet the expectations will go.
88 posts 67 threads
TITAN Avatar
Sept 30, 2019 1:41:58 GMT -5
Here at BBR we ask that you make all your claims that need to be made, we realize you will not post in all the claims however there are ones the should be done, faceclaim, whos`s who, nameclaim, etc.
22 posts 9 threads
Felicity Merrimen Avatar
Position Claims
by Felicity Merrimen
Sept 20, 2016 7:52:35 GMT -5
Wanted Ads
Do you have a want, a desire, a NEED? Looking for the perfect someone or the annoyance in your life? Well look no further this place is crawling with ads that people need.
37 posts 26 threads
Honolulu Avatar
7 Sins/Virtues
by Honolulu
Sept 5, 2016 19:40:55 GMT -5
Character Extras
This is where the Trackers, Shippers, and Character Developments will be held. This will allow you to keep up with all the things your characters do and what not. You may make an individual shipper for each character, however we ask that if you can that you make a multishipper instead.
32 posts 18 threads
Mathias Densen Avatar
silence & symphony
by Mathias Densen
Sept 18, 2016 23:30:17 GMT -5
The Shop
Looking to buy something. Here in the Shop you can buy a big three character, a minor gods character, a magical item, a magical weapon, a pet, anything really as long as you have the drachma for it. If not go on a posting spree to get it!
33 posts 4 threads
Yeong Kwon Avatar
Welcome to Le Bank BBR
by Yeong Kwon
Sept 18, 2016 11:05:52 GMT -5

The Titan Camp

I need a doctor, call me a doctor... I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life... Got a stab wound? Gunshot? Missing a limb or just completely, totally dead? Well, you're SOL because we haven't yet perfected the art of reattaching limbs, but once it's patched up you can head on over to the forge for a nifty pegleg or hook. Oh, and if you're dead your body can be kept here until we (eventually) send someone to retrieve your soul from the Underworld.
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Dining Hall
Remember Camp Half-Blood before Cato burned it to a crisp? Yeah, it's nothing like that. It's not a bunch of picnic tables segregated by parent like we live in the freakin' 1960s. Sit where you want, enjoy the all you can eat buffet, and the central AC where you don't have to melt any time you want to grab a bite to eat.
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The Lake
Just keeping swimming, just keep swimming, just swimming, swimming, swimming... It's a lake, need I really describe it?
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Deleted Avatar
I didn`t choose you. [Ramsey]
by Deleted
Jan 26, 2016 12:12:49 GMT -5
The Border
This is essentially a beach and where the Golden Fleece would go IF WE HAD ONE. People come here to chillax and kick it all cool, y'know shooting some b-ball outside of school? When a couple of guys that were up to- wait, that's the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air...
3 posts 1 thread
Alyce Leos-Crane Avatar
You make me G L O W. [Cosmos]
by Alyce Leos-Crane
Mar 12, 2016 10:19:47 GMT -5
The Temples
The demititans actually have a sort of cathedral dedicated to the worship of their parents. It's a lot more civilized than throwing food into a fire like the barbarian demigods. It's one semi-large cathedral with shrines dedicated to their titan overlords.
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Training Arena
Obviously the demititans can't have their warriors swinging their swords or shooting their bows within the public eye, so the logical solution would be to set up some sort of training area so that unnecessary casualties are brought about.
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The Cabins
People have got to sleep, right? Plus, y'know, the Demititans are a lot more civilized than their Demigod counterparts. Sleeping in tents like savages? No thank you.
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Aron Blanchard Avatar
Love yourself
by Aron Blanchard
Apr 26, 2016 16:56:10 GMT -5
The Prisons
Listen up, plebs. If you get stuck here than you probably deserve it for one of three possible reasons. Either you're an untouchable that hasn't been deemed worthy enough to grace your titan overlords with your presence, you're a filthy prisoner of war that is being held ransom or just for amusement, or you're a traitorous titan that fell into the bad graces of your masters.
6 posts 1 thread
Judas Holiday Avatar
Reality is a prison [Judas]
by Judas Holiday
Apr 15, 2016 10:52:49 GMT -5
The Forge
Need to get down and dirty? Need a weapon crafted or feel like experimenting with some mechanics of your own? Head to the forge for all this fun, because gods know that the Titan leader doesn't want you experimenting just anywhere.
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Greek and Roman Camp

The Beach
STEPPIN' ON THE BEACH DOOTDOOTDOOTDOO. Other than being your average beach in Nowhere-ville, South Carolina there's a dock attached that harbors two of the most infamous pirate ships to ever sail the Eight Seas. (Yes, we're counting the Sea of Monsters as a sea.)
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Medical Tent
If you somehow acquire an injury that you can't patch up yourself, it's best to head here for medical attention. Most of the 'doctors' aren't actually certified doctors, but they're Apollo kids so they're the next best thing. Be careful, though, one of them likes to inject people with some kind of homemade super serum that gives you PTSD.
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Morgen Edens Avatar
Really? This again?
by Morgen Edens
Sept 8, 2016 15:54:37 GMT -5
The Lake
A big body of water that people like to swim in, among other things.
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The Fields
Open land of grass and flowers, there really isnt much here other than the few people running about on it. Great open space for so many activities for you to do. Look at all this room we have!
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Felicity Merrimen Avatar
Time after Time {OPEN}
by Felicity Merrimen
Sept 21, 2016 9:26:33 GMT -5
Mess Tent
To your left you'll see our boss picnic tables and to your right... nature... There a lot of tents but this one is by far the best because it's where everybody gets their poorly made food and the host of some really lame parties.
3 posts 1 thread
Georgie Merrimen Avatar
Gordon Ramsey is Screaming {OPEN}
by Georgie Merrimen
Apr 7, 2016 9:41:15 GMT -5
The Tents
More tents but since SOMEONE burned down Camp Half Blood the residents of Camp Forlorn Hope need to sleep some where.
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The Houses
These are the houses made by Sebastian Crane for himself and his wife along with Judas and Felicity. The more houses are made the more people will move in.
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Alyce Leos-Crane Avatar
Home is where your heart is [Seb]
by Alyce Leos-Crane
Sept 19, 2016 18:12:07 GMT -5
The Apartments
Open for all Demi gods alike to move in, Anyone who wants can move in free of rent. If you don`t know about the free rent well then no one will tell you and you can pay Sebastian Crane who built and owns these apartments.
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Greek Renegade Camp

The Fields
What's this place you ask? It's a swirling wonderland of dead weeds and barren, oat colored discomfort. Let it fill your senses with cascading jagged rocks of pain and suffering as you have never felt before. What? That was beautiful? Oh I was just reading a candy wrapper see?
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Training Grounds
Unlike some places... "Joint camp", Greek Renegade training grounds are used to actually train our troops and not cuddle against the enemy singing kumbaya and all that other crap. Here we like to dress out training dummies as Roman soldiers, not like there was much of a different anyways...
9 posts 1 thread
Alicia Lovegrove Avatar
Untravled Road
by Alicia Lovegrove
Sept 10, 2016 8:07:03 GMT -5
The River
A fresh water river where you can drink, fish, play in, etc. If you're going to bath in the river please let everyone else know, we don't want what happened last time to occur again. Also who ever was shouting I was born by the river better stop that.
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Charlotte Darling Avatar
by Charlotte Darling
Sept 17, 2016 10:14:51 GMT -5
Fire Pit
Okay here you can sing kumbaya and all that crap with GREEKS. There is much doubt that the Romans have any capacity to sit down and do something OTHER than being lug headed bloodthirsty brutes. Anyways here are pass those marshmallows along.
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The Tents
Obviously this where everyone sleeps, and here you can at least sleep without one eye open or gripping your pillow tight. It's not like we're so pathetic we room with the same people that roasted our cabin and slaughter our people....but that's no one's business probably.
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It's a forest, you know with trees, dirt, animals and I know what you're going to say. 'Oh but Romans don't live in forests' and yes you are right but comparing animals to Romans is very rude of you to do. It's perfectly safe to train, hangout, go for a jog, and whatever you're into that's probably not legal anyways.
4 posts 1 thread
Brandi Hansen Avatar
Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse
by Brandi Hansen
Sept 13, 2016 13:09:57 GMT -5

Roman Renegade Camp

The Caverns
It's a dark cave with rooms and water and....rocks. Don't expect to find Batman in here however. We're also not responsible if you get lost and die here, that means you were weak. My dead grandma could probably waltz her way out that cave faster than it takes for you to die in there, noob.
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The Woods
It's like a forest except not really, here firewood can be gathered, you can jog or hang around here, whatever tickles your fancy. Now if you get lost and die here you really don't belong here, more like belongs in the trash.
14 posts 2 threads
Edmund Simons Avatar
bast frayndz 5eva -mattie-
by Edmund Simons
May 4, 2016 9:59:26 GMT -5
The Lake
A body of fresh water not too far from the camp. We all use the water to drink so DON'T use the bathroom in there or bathe in there, or generally things you shouldn't do in there. Least one of you want to babysit the mostly Greek prisoners and I KNOW how good on conversation they are.
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Training Area
*Pantera guitar screeching in the background* Thought this was just a ride in the park? This is where the real action is! This gets pretty technical, and try the speed course. I hope you can make it. Are you feeling it now?
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The Fire Pit
Let's gather round the campfire to sing our campfire song. Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song. And if you don't think that we can sing it faster than you're wrong but it'll help if you just sing along. Bum bum bum...
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The Tents
We sleep here, why? Because a bunch of weenies from East side thought it would be cool to burn our camp to the ground, so we burned theirs down. Any questions?
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Other Locations

new york
The Empire State, and justly named.
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Sigrid Nystrom Avatar
dead to me // open
by Sigrid Nystrom
Feb 20, 2016 1:45:41 GMT -5
CALIFORNIA GURLS, WE'RE UNFORGETTABLE, DAISY DUKES BIKINIS ON TOP. The home of Snoop Dogg, the former Roman Legion, and a high standard of living. Stay out of Oakland.
4 posts 2 threads
Blazh Baker Avatar
First cohort
by Blazh Baker
Feb 5, 2016 16:21:56 GMT -5
South Carolina
The current residence of the Greek/Roman joint camp, but there's a lot more to see than that. I don't know what there is to see, but I'm sure there's something...
12 posts 4 threads
Marina Maeve Avatar
Half bloods stick together
by Marina Maeve
Jul 21, 2016 14:35:40 GMT -5
The current residence of your lord and savior , your overlord , and your tyrant . This is also the current residence of the Greek Renegade Camp.
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The Sea of Monsters
This fierce sea is the home of many mythical monsters, goddesses, and the demititans. You never know what truly is waiting to gobble you up below the water and it's best to tread carefully...
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Morgen Edens Avatar
When a Hero Comes Along (CLOSED)
by Morgen Edens
Sept 18, 2016 6:19:40 GMT -5
Mount Olympus
The home of most of the Olympians and the kingdom in which Zeus/Jupiter rules over with a celestial bronze/imperial gold fist. Naturally you can't just waltz into the King of Heaven's crib and should probably schedule an appointment with his secretary... whoever that may be.
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The Underworld
Hellhounds, Hades, Pluto, OH MY. The Underworld is the domain of the God Hades/Pluto, depending on your origin. Beware, the God of the Underworld does not forgive so easily and WILL seek retribution should your thieving, conniving hands come anywhere near his precious souls...
7 posts 1 thread
Judas Holiday Avatar
Op-BRO-ation: Free Willy!
by Judas Holiday
Mar 11, 2016 16:44:38 GMT -5
The home of Poseidon/Neptune and entirely underwater. It's not really the brightest idea to actually try to pay him a visit unless you're one of his children or maybe a cyclopes...
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everywhere in between
Want to set a thread in a location that doesn't have a board? POST IT HERE, but be sure to specific the location within the contents of the thread to avoid confusion. Thank.
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Alicia Lovegrove Avatar
by Alicia Lovegrove
May 4, 2016 17:29:54 GMT -5
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
A lot of characters have pasts that haven't been discussed, and sometimes future events need to be hashed out early on.
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Alternative Universes
Sometimes people want to play in another world or are curious about how their characters would be in one, and that's okay.
15 posts 4 threads
Felicity Merrimen Avatar
Seig Hell No
by Felicity Merrimen
Apr 11, 2016 13:40:56 GMT -5

Site Events & Quests

Spring AU Tourney
Ever want to know what it was like to go to a live tourney? Well our Spring AU Tourney is placed in what we all know to be the medieval times. Men and Women from around the world come to joust, fight, and prove themselves for the special person in their life. All are welcome to come and fight if they so decide we do not discriminate against genders in this event. We wish you all the best of luck, let the tourney begin!
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Current Quests
Been chosen to go on a quest well lucky you. This is where all site quests will be placed when they are in action. You may have one part to your quest you may have five hey we dont judge, but just remember to PM a staff once you`ve finished your quest.
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Past Quests
Once you`ve finished your quest your threads will be moved here for all to see what you`ve accomplished so seriously dont disappoint.
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Out of Character

General Chat
Want to talk about something? You can post here to talk about pretty much anything you feel like as long as its PG 13. Birthday threads, Introductions, and Absences Threads will be placed here.
65 posts 23 threads
Need something special made for a character, a signature, an avatar, well the graphics thread is the place for you. We have lots of artist and shops to pick from.
38 posts 4 threads
Kadence Lightwood Avatar
Caly's Pretty Pixels
by Kadence Lightwood
Aug 23, 2016 20:31:20 GMT -5
Do you want to play a game? Well this is the thread for you. You can either start a new game, make a post in one of the games, or just watch the games. Feel free to do whatever you want as long as it follows the site rules of course.
100 posts 10 threads
Kadence Lightwood Avatar
Mate, Date, Decapitate! (ic)
by Kadence Lightwood
Aug 21, 2016 20:07:30 GMT -5
Site Suggestions
No ones perfect and neither is BBR. If you have a suggestion to make the site better post it here so that we may see it. All suggestions will be taken into considerations.
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Want to Advertise your site with us? You can post your links in one of the following boards. Links back or First Posts, please refrain from double posting, I know it happens but any double posts will be deleted, also do NOT bump your sites.
305 posts 269 threads
Guest Avatar
Charmed Renewed {JCINK} | AU | 2031 | Dark Future
by Mitchel
Feb 22, 2021 11:10:40 GMT -5
Cold Storage
This is where anything and everything that has been finished or inactive will be placed. If you have a thread/character here that you`d like to be moved back to be completed or reactivated just PM a staff member and we will take care of that for you.
698 posts 213 threads
Deleted Avatar
BLACK, Dahlia Esper
by Deleted
Sept 7, 2016 9:02:06 GMT -5

Community Information & Statistics

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Welcome to Bad Blood Rising!
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Last Updated Charmed Renewed {JCINK} | AU | 2031 | Dark Future by Mitchel (Feb 22, 2021 11:10:40 GMT -5)
